


Together to educate every woman about early breast cancer detection

How to reduce the risk of breast cancer?

1.     Healthy life style:

·         Exercise (walking).

·         Healthy eating (avoid fat and carbs, increase fruits and vegetable).

·         Getting enough sleeping hours (7-8 hours).

·         Keep normal body weight.

·         Avoid smoking.

2.     Regular check up for early detection:

A.     Monthly breast self-examination:

·         Starting from around the age of 20, within one week from the end of menstruation/ or in a fixed day per month in post-menopausal women.

·         Symptoms to worry about:

-          Lump sensation in the breast.

-          Continuous fixed breast or axillary pain (does not changes with the cycle).

-          Inflammatory changes of the skin, that are not improving with treatment.

-          Changes of the size or shape of the breast.

-          Nipple discharge (especially if bloody).

-          Recent inwards retraction of the nipple.

·         Steps of breast self-examination:

Ø  Look:

o   Stand before the mirror with full exposure of both breasts.

o   Look at them and try to detect any recent changes of the size or shape.

o   Look at the skin and nipples.

o   Check for nipple discharge (and detect its color).

o   Put your hands behind your head and repeat the previous steps.

o   Put your hands at your waist and lean forward, also repeat the previous steps.

Ø  Palpate:

o   Feeling using the palm of the right hand fingers to examine the left breast and the palm of the left hand to examine the right breast.

o    Squeeze the nipple gently and make sure there is no bloody or strange discharge. Note the shape of the nipple and the extent of its emergence or implantation inside.

o    Then repeat the same steps for self-examination of the breast in the lying position on the back allowing the breast tissue to spread over a large area of ​​the chest and thus exposing all breast tissue to the examiner's hands, and do not forget to examine the lower surface of the breasts and under the armpits.


B.      Mammogram:

o   Mammogram should start from the age of 40 once a year.

o   The presence of a family history (mother - sister - aunt - grandmother) requires rapid detection and mammograms starting from the age of 30 years, and awareness among female family members of the need for self - examination of the breast.

o   What is a mammogram? is an examination that uses X-rays to examine the breasts. It is usually used to look for any change in the breasts. The amount of radiation emitted from it is much less compared to what was previously used.

o   What is the time for examination? within a week of the end of the menstrual cycle, because the breasts will not be swollen or sensitive, which may bother you during the examination

o   Prepare for the examination: It is prefered to wear two pieces of clothing because you need to remove the top piece. Do not apply deodorant, powder, cream or ointment on or around your breasts as these products may appear in the X-rays as white dots.

o   Way of examination: The breast is placed between two layers of plastic a few seconds during a radiographic image, then adjustment of the position of the breast and taking another image (two images for each breast). The examination may take 15-20 minutes.


Important information:

o   Not all lumps in the breast represent cancerous tumors, there may be cysts in the breast or fibroadenomas.

o   Sensation of pain in the breasts does not rule out 100%  the presence of cancerous tumors.

o   Breast cancer also affects men, but less than women.

o   There is a rare type of breast cancer called "inflammatory breast cancer" which is very similar to breast inflammation, but does not respond to the usual treatment. It causes a rapid change in the shape of the breast and often not accompanied by a sense of mass in the breast as in other types of breast cancer.


Important Tips:

o   Do not ignore any  mass in the breast and do not hesitate or be afraid to visit the doctor.

o   Women should know the normal shape and texture of their breasts. Their appearance and texture may differ at different times of the menstrual cycle. The milk- producing glands become active in the days before the start of the menstrual cycle, which may give a sense of masses in the breast, especially in the outer area of the breast near the armpit.

o   Keep all the old mammograms and bring them always during the subsequent tests (for the need for comparison) and during the visit of your doctor.

o   Remember that early detection is the best way to diagnose breast cancer in the early stages before spreading to other organs in the body to obtain a higher recovery rate.

o   If a family member or a dear friend is diagnosed with breast cancer, you should provide encouragement, care and attention to help accept treatment.